So much can be lost when the focus is solely the destination. Look around, explore you will gain so much.
Where the wild things are seek to go.......

Adventure and exploration are things I absolutely love. One important thing I have learned is that if you are terrified, hungry, cold or injured things are not so much fun any more.
Good planing, preperation and equipment will ensure you mostly have a good time and give you greater freedom to responcibly go deeper into the wild!

In the following blogs I will share some of my past expliots, future plans and a little been there wisdom.
Be inspired and go

Your outdoor enthusiast
B Mac

In the wild

In the wild
Mosaic of fun and adventure the kind you should have on the wall of all your family adventures

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Give me a tall ship and a star to sail her by

Some people know what they want in life, some even the way or the means to make it happen. If you can desire something within your reach and be content upon attaining it you have found a good thing.
I found a good thing last Wednesday. Actually I found it a long time ago, but had the opportunity to visit again…. the east coast. I must say I have never seen the surf at Tawharanui as good as I saw it yesterday. Even just being there is wonderful. We arrived around 720pm (It was a little further than we thought) and although there were many others there I managed to get a couple of good rides(even hitting a rock, I think those who wear helmets are on to a good thing) Because there were so many surfing and we had very little time I felt a little like Moses who from upon the mountain looked down upon the promised land  knowing he would not be able to walk upon it.  I think Moses would have been content though as a man who could look beyond his present circumstances.
I think seeing beyond our circumstances can is an important ability. At the the same time though we often fail to see our circumstances, unless there happens to be a pressing reason to do so. But know this people of New Zealand, beyond the traffic, beyond the cities and towns, beyond the televisions and computers there is……. the east coast.
New Zealand has so many beautiful beaches  and public areas I find it hard to imagine there can be many others equal to this place on earth. Go therefore explore and enjoy it, it might just be what you need, even if it is just for an hour, or just long enough to see the sun sink below the horizon and the sea and sky  ever change through its colours as the night approaches. Although we often fail to find the time, it is within our reach and if you are wanting you shall be made content.

What Is The Coldest You Have Ever Been?

Some one asked me today what is the coldest I have ever been. It did not take me too long to think of a few occasions. If you happen to get cold or even worse wet and cold it is the kind of sensation you do not quickly forget.
One time that really stands out for me was the rock fishing trip in a little place a long way from nowhere...mimiwhangata. That trip ended with me and a mate sleeping the night ill equipped upon a very exposed, very hard and very craggy rock! Had I thought be prepared, had I thought lets hop back across the rocks we used to get to our island (A tall rock) before the tide comes in and before it gets dark it I wouldnt have had to huddle upon the rock with my mate under my swanndri
A swanndri is a perfect piece of clothing for rock fishing but as a blanket for two.....well suffice to say it was a cold long and uncomfortable night. In addition to the cold long and uncomfortable part it was also a weeny bit unnerving while perched upon a rock to listen to the waves crashing below. We weighed up the situation and decided it was better then trying to make it back to shore as it was some distance away and getting deeper and darker and the rock had sufficient height..... but still even though the snapper I caught that evening remains the biggest I have ever caught it was foolish to linger as we did. I must say though  Mimiwhangata is a great spot for good east coast recreation. Surfing, fishing and diving way off the beaten track. I wont rave on as some places a best to be explored. I will just say if you are looking for a rural coastal holiday this is a great place for a family vacation, check it out but don't tell to many others.