So much can be lost when the focus is solely the destination. Look around, explore you will gain so much.
Where the wild things are seek to go.......

Adventure and exploration are things I absolutely love. One important thing I have learned is that if you are terrified, hungry, cold or injured things are not so much fun any more.
Good planing, preperation and equipment will ensure you mostly have a good time and give you greater freedom to responcibly go deeper into the wild!

In the following blogs I will share some of my past expliots, future plans and a little been there wisdom.
Be inspired and go

Your outdoor enthusiast
B Mac

In the wild

In the wild
Mosaic of fun and adventure the kind you should have on the wall of all your family adventures

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Watch this space....

I am planning a mission to a very special part of NewZealand which will be quite involved and I will share with you the fruits of my research especially in relation to planning and equipment.

1 comment:

  1. If you really like to go way off track keep tuned to learn about N.Z Wilderness areas and how to go about it.
